
Where Your Money Grows When The World Sinks...

Talking about the world going to end in 2012, what facinate me are the facts how it’s going to end, as many believe on disasters such as moon falls on earth, massive earthquake, tsunami, and also alien invasion. Not to say it won’t happen but for me, from a country where thinking is a crucial issue, I however choose to think different. Perhaps it’s not actually that the world going be destroyed or explodes or whatever and everyone go to Mars, it can be something else which will affect the world terribly too but not in a way that will cost the earth itself....

The world’s great economy breakdown....

Lets look at whats actually going on right's not even 3 months yet, we had already experienced a lot...


That’s how crucial it is now, in our world, riots everywhere causing countries falling down one another like dominos. Started from Tunisia, Egypt, now Libya and China is facing it too now. It's spreading like nobody’s business, like a cancer. It’s the falling times for the corrupt leaders. Some even say it has something to do with the “Jasmine Revolution”. Some countries even filter the mainstream media to avoid this revolution from spreading to their country. A glance at Egypt, when Mubarak announced that he will step over, people from all over the world were happy for the people in Egypt, not to mention people in Egypt itself. The whole world was shaken by this revolution but very less people choose to look the other way around, at the world’s economy. The price of commodities rose, stock market fluctuates like a rollercoaster and even some legendary investors walks out from Wall Street scratching their pockets. It’s like a multi-line dominos, one cause creates lots of mishaps and how it falls back on the Egyptians itself, foods, oil price goes up, investors avoiding to invest in Egypt because of the upside down of the market.

If you see a stock is cheap today, it will be cheaper tomorrow
That’s how investors describe the market now.


The third world’s wealthiest country, Japan, had just gone through the WW3. With estimated loss of lives likely to exceed 10,000 people and the damage of several reactors in nuclear power plant the Japanese are now battling with another major crisis that no country want to face. DEBT. Yes, the Japanese government which is already heavily on debt, a result of anaemic economy for the past 15 years, and being in a deflationary cycle pledged a rescue package of 15 TRILION yen!!!. In reaction to the potential economic slowdown and huge costs needed to rebuild the world’s third wealthiest nation, the benchmark Nikkei 225 index was down 6.0% to 9632.10 points on Monday. Following comments by the PM on Tuesday that radiation levels at a stricken nuclear plant had become high, the market took another hit – the index plunged a further 7%. (The earthquake had damaged several reactors in the nuclear powered plants run by Tokyo Electric Power - TEPCO, just 200kms north of Tokyo).

The index is falling, stocks crashing and unemployment is next, and the worst thing is the economic downturn in Japan pull s the whole worlds market down as well.

We are in a situation which only change is constant
It seems like each continents are now facing some real trouble. The world is not the same anymore; monetary system in all over the world is getting screwed up as the result of hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is the “Armegeddon”. The world will soon experience a catastrophic change in its economy. A change to what it was before, long time before, like the Thomas Jefferson’s times, where Ben Fraklin’s quote was the anthem. Some unethical people screwed us for the goodness of few; they should remember what Ben Fraklin said:

“He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither”.

Well no one knows how or when this going to end but one thing for sure, be alert, make preparation for coming days, save your savings, but the question is how and where to save??

If you ask me, my very own suggestion is to invest in commodities. When the whole world sinks, that’s the only place where people can survives but it’s not for everyone to invest. It’s set only for the so called “sophisticated investors” or the rich investors. You need to be rich to remain rich, cruel world isn’t it, but wait, there’s another way to invest which will save your money from depreciating, the ancient way, Gold and Silver.

Here have a look yourself on the price of both precious me one stock in market today which has such a beautiful “hockey stick” can't, there are none...

Silver for the past 20 years

Gold for the past 20 years

These is one interesting video about this Economies DOOMSDAY...

by K.Joe